I am deeply sorry cause leavin you these past days, maybe weeks. It’s not that I’ve been busy or pushing you aside. To your knowledge, not just you, Mr facebook also was left. I don’t want to make fake excuses so I’ll honest.
That one day, my brother, non-accidently had installed Mr counterstrike in DELLY’s hard disk. In my ignorance, I got addicted. I’ve abandoned you and many other social networks for this whole week.
For your short notice, this holiday is so much like other holiday. Fun and delightful. Only hoping, it wouldn’t end this fast but it ends. Every starting has and ending.
For my last semester, I was scheduled to take 5 subjects to end my foundation completely. Chemistry 2, Math 3, Computer 2, Basic themes of Al-Quran and Understanding Islam. I sure hope that I’ll pass these subjects with flying 4 flat.
I’m sorry to say too, that because my semester holiday will end today, I’ll have to leave you once again after our short meeting this morning. I’m sorry but I’ll be busy this 1st week in my last semester. Maybe 2nd or 3rd week too. We human beings never know what’ll happen right?
Lastly, I’d really like to share this one thing that I think you and other should know.
I got this from my father's blog
P/s: Today is my Mahallah registration day. yeppi? :>