Its currently 1.16 Friday morning. Hehe. Just finish doing my assignment. Baru tahu sebenarnya yang programming ni susah rupanya. Masa kt cfs dlu tk ada la susah camni rasanya. Tp nak buat hok guano makin kita besar makin banyak la dugaan pelajaran. Kan hehe ;)
Haih. Cerita pasal pelajaran, hari Rabu lepas exam berderet intro dan thermodynamics. This pemberitahuan is CLEARLY buian utk membangga. Thermo langsung takleh jawab. And when I say langsung tak, I really mean LANGSUNG TAK. Sedih la sangat. Down yang teramat masa tu. Tapi I'm all at fault. Sikit from lect sbb almost all my classmate thought the exam only covers until chapter 3. Or so I thought? But then masuk until chapter 5 and guess what I only know it at 1.15pm when the midterm start at 2pm!!!!
My fault pulak, sebab cuti, badan yg dh terbiasa cuti and rehat tetiba kena study memang la susah. Keke. Dah la cuti kat Legoland bukan calang2 hahaha. Anyway, rasa menyesal tapi nak buat macam mana. Life has to go on yedok?? Heee(>,<)
Hmmm, before ni kan sy ada post editted pic of me and my brother funny kan? Hoho nak puji diri sendiri latu. Just this afternoon, dpt tahu 1lagi feature cymera that is it can make your sad or not-smiling face smile, your small sepet eyes bigger, yourface body skinier and vanishing all your dark spots. Eheee. Bila try buat kat muka sendiri, lawak tergolek2 gelak sbb diri sendiri tawu muka sendiri kan. But then I was wondering, bukannya tak pernah nampak sesape edit gambar sendiri bgi besar mata, kurus bdn and claim the person in the pic is you. Yeah technically BEFORE you edit it.
First what is so great having your eyes as big and bulat as bola tennis tu? Ciptaan tuhan tu dah sempurna, tunjukkan kita yang sebenar and if you really shame of your body feature then don't show it at all. Its not that hard. Ada this one artist picture that shows the eyes was beyond normal size . And in real life, mmg artis tu mata besar comel cantik tp bila dia buat gambar dia camtu r macam, kenapa perlu. You already beautiful just the way you are. So yeah taknak gitaw sape. :p
Apa lagi nk cakap. The clock shows 1.48am. I really should sleep sbb eok pagi ada automotive lab huiii. Aaaaaaaa. Busynya nak balik rumaaaaahhhhhhhhhh rlex je takleh ke :(
Sekian from me. Great Friday night peeps ;)
P/s: you, I hope you do well for your midterm tomorrow don't be like me eh.
Pp/s: doa tu tersangat penting when all you can do is regret and hope.
Ppp/s: april fool. Eh? :p