Saturday, May 18, 2013


Hai. hehe
Malu acually lepas tulis post hari yg emo tu.
Di kesempatan ini, nak ckp la sorry kepada sesiapa yg terasa. thats just how i feel. takda ckp sesapa incompetent or whatever okay.

Happy Final Exam :)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Final is near.

Actually takkan tertulisnya blog ni kalau tak stress, tension or in the middle of breaking down.
Here nak cakap I got more or less 1 week for my final. Ahhh freaking scary and really hope I can maintain my pointer. Kat hujung tanduk je dah tu.

Good night!! ;)

Hari yang emo

Harini tataw asal rasa nak emo jep.
Hari start dengan pukul 2 still waiting for a group member to submit her work that is the discussion section for programming subject. Lastly aku yang buat that report. And tak boleh tidur, golek2 katil until I can't even remember if i sleep. Subuh at 6 then terus tak tidur. But then kelas 830 cancel baru lah tidur.

Lepas tu petang tu lepas tutor, kena marah dengan "Habis kenapa suruh org datang?!" and I was like "memang nak bagitahu tapi phone habis bat nak buat cemane". Suddenly I remeber masa dulu dia punya phone selalu mati when we're in the middle of conversation, tade lah marah dia sampai macam tu. Haih.

But then I give up and ikut plan dia. Then 1 more incident happen. I thought of only joking and kidding. I take a little makanan dia tapi dia cakap "Wah nak habiskan makanan kita ke?" like I'm a monster atau someone berpenyakit yang nak makan sikit makanan dia, dia terjangkit. Damn I'm crying.

Then mencebik tak ikhlas macam everything I do semua salah. Fine. I keep my anger, stay silence and study. Dia start hentak2 barang and blame me for saying dia berkira. Blaming me for buat dia rasa bersalah and i lost my patience. I'm sorry for that.

Balik bilik borak dengan akak bilik pasal kucing dia. Ya Rabb teruk sangat kucing dia kena kanser kulit kat bahagian mata tu. And suddenly teringatkan Acu. Cried for a while then Solat Isya' and cried again on the sejadah. Then nak study and revise for math tapi teronline FB and ternampak section notes. I read back the notes I wrote 4 years back. Untuk MR, untuk my friend. My so-called bestfriend yang sekarang dah tataw mana pergi, I miss them, I miss MR, I miss Acu. Azim said "Cepatnya 4 tahun berlalu. He still keep on listening to the song I gave him to cheer him up 4 years back. And I cried again.

Starting to write this entry, our (MR and me) song play kat playlist. "With me - Sum 41." I cried again. I wrote what I feel here cause I know no one will read this blog. This is the only safe place to say out my mind and cried while writing. If someone really care they will find their own ways knowing me more not because I shared this on Twitter or FB.

I really am sorry for everything and I just hope I'm somebody's someone. Always feel like there always someone else they prefer over me.

Ya Allah, Kau jagalah hati aku. Aminn

P/s : I might be crying today while writing this entry. but I know in the future when I read this back. I'll be like "what an emo me before". I hope.
Pp/s : May Allay ease everything.