Friday, April 22, 2011

Lots and lots and lots of cats!

Assalamualaikum wbt

My weekend start. sy kena stay here kt PJ while my roomate balik rumah aunty dia. fyi, I am all alone. So boring, boring and boring.

Last week, i thought nak balik Melaka hari Selasa tu cz takde kelas semnggu and nak hbs kn exam computer 1 je Tuesday night tu, but big surprise, menurut e-learning, i got my 2nd quiz Thursday night. HA HA HA. (T-T)

And last week punya kempunan nak balik Melaka dikumpul ke this week. Plan nak balik hari Rabu this week. and BIG SURPRISE LAGI! menurut e-learning (juga) i got my class presentation Wed night tu. Tahu tak betapa bengang dan critical nya sy?

Truthfully, takde apa pun kt Melaka tu yg make me naaakkk sgt balik except nasi and lauk rumah, my katil sendiri, my bantal yang empuk lagi best, my car and most importantly, my CATs. Miss them so much (T-T)

Well, at least I got something to do kat rumah. sama ada main with my cats, tgk Digital Versatile Disk aka DVD (nk tunjuk pandai ke ape), habis kan makanan rumah, berjalan2 makan angin dengan mummy, borak2 dengan adik dll laahh.

Haritu when terjumpa this one little kitten, teringat mine punya kt rumah. The biggest and my my greatest buddy Kenit, her son and daughters, Along (Jantan), Angah (Gemuk), Ucu and not to be forgotten Kenit's younger brother, Buta -idk why dia dipanggil macam tu maybe sebab dia buta?-
This is Kenit!
Hmm, kalau nak tahu lah, almost all my cats is not a photogenic type of cat. so stop wondering why dia tak pandang camera. She memang takut with my fierce-looking dad. Tengah beware ni. Kenit ni bukan kucing 1st generation pun kt rumah. 1st adalah Manis and Masam (acam) yang dh pergi meninggal kan kami isk isk. Kenit's mother is Kecik (not actually her name tapi seingat sy, dia sangat kecik so let's just call her that ok)

This is Buta!
I have no idea macam mana this gambar boleh ada bcz this one, is not, DEFINITELY not a friendly cat. hehe. tapi cerita jugak lah. Corak bulu diorg (with kenit) sama kan? becz they're siblings. HA! Kecik and her children ni tak berapa nak mesra with us sbb they came tak dijemput and tiba2 buat family pulak kat sini. Heh. But becz we all teringin sangat nak bela, my parents pun tak halau lah. The reason kenapa kami tak rapat dengan Buta but rapat dgn Kenit is becz Buta sgt lah anti-social. pantang dekat punn. Huh!

This is Along, Angah, Ucu (from left)
We don't actually tengok diorang dilahirkan and don't have any idea siapa lahir dulu but their name is according to siapa paling besar lepas dilahirkan. Ini lah 1st generation anak Kenit. Tersangat lah manja dengan kami maybe becz lahir2 pun dalam air-cond.

This is the biggest Along aka Jantan
Hodoh kan? I admit he's not handsome. tapi this is the biggest. This fellow very pengotor, and tak dengar cakap. suka hati je mana nak buang, mana nak pancut so be careful kalau nak pegang dia. atas your hand pun boleh buang. Haha! but the good part is, he'll eat whatever you gave him. let it be a vegetables, nasi kosong, lipas. (yang tak boleh makan dia tak makan lah. logik lah sikit derr)

This is Angah aka Gemok
Macam sama dengan Along kan but not. Jantan got perang2 kt tepi2 muka dia but this girl is totally black and white only (and pink). She is the most fierce cat. Pegang sikit Brrrrr angkat Brrrr bg makan tk Brrrr lak. AISH! Maybe that's why Ucu kahwin dulu before her. Gelakkan dia! Wahahaha. Gemok ni pernah hilang kt kedai2 depan tu. That day we all nak pergi mana ntah and bring her along. Berenti kat depan kedai kt depan our taman and thinking nak jln kaki je hantar dia balik rumah. but then dia mengamuk and mencakar all of us and sorok dalam longkang. idk why. we all panggil but she remain there. so kami tinggalkan dia. Gemok ni my dad punya favorite maybe becz she's a beauty. After a week, my adek di kejutkan dengan ada kucing mencakar kat tingkap bilik dia. fyi, it's the 1st floor. And SURPRISE, it's Gemok! Poor her, badan kotor sangat and so freaking hungry time tu. She miss the house so much that she don't even wanna go out.

Ini Ucu! (asek BI je)
Last but not least, the most manja and kecil, Ucu. Her manja-ness memang maksimum! Nak tidur, ketuk tingkap my little bro's room and tidur dalam air-cond. Makan kat dalam while all her species kat luar. Makan from periuk and ONLY eat the fish. If we paksa dia makan kat luar jugak, kena asingkan her food and the others kalau tak jangan harap she'll eat. And when dia mengandung bertambah lah manja dia tu sampai my mum rebus 2ekor ikan just for her. That time memang she's EXTRA cute lah dengan perut besar nye, dgn jalan lengang lenggok nye. so cute. and dia also beranak dalam bilik adek, dalam air-cond and ATAS KATIL! suppose 4 ekor but seekor dah mati dihempap adek (cold-blooded killer!! )

Bukan ni je my cat. Anak Kenit's 2nd generation, daripada 3 tinggal seekor je Cek Teh. Cek Tam baru je meninggal kn kami. (T-T) and i don't have their picture. Anak Kenit's 3rd generation 3 ekor masih kecil. Baru keluar few days after anak Ucu, di DALAM mesin basuh. HA! Our new family 6 ekor lagi tu belum diberi nama. Suggestion? or maybe we'll end up naming them One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six. HAHA.

Sangat comel kan?

fyi, my cats ni semua just a normal type of cat. they're not Siamese, Australian, American, Burmese, Egyptian, European, Persian or what-so-ever. ada bulu or not. tebal or tak. but still, they're my sweetheart.

Nabi Muhammad SAW juga amatlah menyayangi haiwan bergelar kucing ini.
Diceritakan dalam suatu kisah, Nabi Muhammad SAW memiliki seekor kucing yang diberi nama Mueeza. Suatu saat, dikala nabi hendak mengambil jubahnya, di temuinya Mueeza sedang terlelap tidur dengan santai diatas jubahnya. Tak ingin mengganggu haiwan kesayangannya itu, nabi pun memotong lengan baju yang ditiduri Mueeza dari jubahnya.

Sekian. :)

P/s : Marilah kita semua menyayangi haiwan! weehaaa

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