Sunday, August 12, 2012

Short Entry

Updating . . .

From previous post maybe I should first report (report?!) my result eh? haha.
Last sem's result oklah. Sesuai dengan what I deserve and effort. Sebenarnya masa mak tanya kenapa ada B tu baru perasan lama dh rupanya tk dpt B. Sorry lah cannot hold that record for too long. But since I didn't do good enough so tkleh lah nak salah kan sesapa. 

Dah rasa bersyukur tersangat-sangat lah. Pergi kelas beg pun tak bawak. Kelas tutor pergi sekali dua kali je. Selalu cari pasal dgn tutor, assignment buat last min, quiz study last min, kadang2 pun tk study so fine la kn. And like always, selalu je ckp, ok next time buat betul2, and kali ni pn nk ckp mcm tu jgk. 

tup tap tup tap dah nak bulan September, new sem will begin, new class, new lecturers, new subject. I know it'll getting a lot harder sbb mak ayh pun cakap hidup ni makin lama makin susah, bukan makin lama makin senang. Kalau tak acane nk berjaya? hahaha (knp gelak tah).

sekarang tgh melalui puasa. Adalah dlm less then one week utk raya. And I think this Ramadhan, I didn't do good enough. Oh why. I'm scared I might regret it. Maybe because bkn kat UIA and the surrounding is completely different from the last Ramadhan. 

Buat apa cuti ni, kalau nak di pandang secara kasar, boleh jugak ckp tk buat apa2. My uncle text ada kerja kosong kt office dia pun sy tolak. Masa tu memang rasa nak rehat dulu. But then nyesal sorang2. Mak pun suruh duduk rumah je tolong apa yg patut. Oh laa walaupun tk kerja masa tidur pn macam biasa, tk bertambah pun. Or we can say masa tidur that so called 'macam biasa' tu dh memang banyak? haha

Before habis kan entry kali ni, I know I maybe won't update this blog for quite a long time sbb malas and tk de keje den nk update selalu, so just nk wish and say all the best in everything you do, Selamat hari Raya, mintak maaf for the wrong doings and stay healthy u'ols  :)

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