Sunday, April 22, 2012

Prereg dan UIA :)

Assalamualaikum! :)

Uia ada prereg. kau ada? hahaha (pendahuluan yang kontroversi)

Hari jumaat yang lepas adalah hari utk prereg kami2 pelajar UIA sini. wahh memang bersedia habis la kiteorg. Akak Firah ketua kumpulan project BM kiteorg bersedia membawa kiteorg keluar dari UIA yang permai ini bagi mencari punca internet stabil dan kuat. haha! memang best kan ayat sy? biasa lah org belajar BM :">

anw, nak di jadikan cerita lahai, kiteorg buat keputusan untuk melepak di mcD. tepat pukul 1.45pm (okey tepat ke? soorryyy sy yang lmbt) kami bertolak ke mcD. mula bincang project youtube BM tu. and when clock shows 4.30pm semua org including me start to nervous. people are texting and good luck wishes comes from everywhere. seriously, tiba2 rasa macam nak tengok result final pulak. and there suddenly mcD full of people. not just REGULAR people but UIA people!! ok fine terkejut, diorg pun datang nak buat prereg okeh. at 5 tepat, line start to slow mcm siput hadoi. and we all start the war. refresh2 page sampai dapat masuk. 1st person dlm group kecil kami yang dpt masuk adalah Ms B. wah mmg happy lah dia. and mmg bengang lah kami. and so kami pun berlawan lah dgn server uia berbekal kekuatan jari dan kesabaran yang kuat. 

and another problem rises. tempat yang kiteorg duduk tu sepatutnya ada plug untuk charge, but then ada brother datang nak pakai plug and dia bukan charge pun. dia pakai direct current trus and like forever dia pakai plug tu! 4 laptop, one by one start to DIED!! macam cerita final destination tak? tapi my Delly was the last laptop standing so Delly yang tolong prereg untuk Ms A and Ms B and Ms Nono. dah habis tu about 6 kami pergi festival city. and the funny part is, kami yang boleh solat ni cari lah surau comel kt mall tu. about 7 baru jumpa. nasib baik sempat asar then maghrib. then buat kerja gila amik gambar yang sticker tu kat arcade mall tu. weird part is, kami banyak amik masa edit gambar tapi the editing yang tak keluar, idk why. Hemmm. Pape lah.

After much hardship, kami balik UIA untuk smbung habis kan projek youtube kat safiyah. And tiba2 raining pulak so we were wondering, How in the world are we gonna go to Safiyah in this condition. Luckly ada sorang kawan dtg ckp dia boleh hantar kami. Baik kan dia. Always said “don’t worry, semangat waja coming” haha. He’s a nice friend. Then I realize he’s a year older than. And he’s a tahfiz. Ok fine =,=

Ahh penat. Nak tidur, k bye >,<

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

There can be miracles :)

videokeman mp3
When You Believe – David Archuleta Song Lyrics

Lyrics of When You Believe – David Archuleta

Many nights we’ve prayed
With no proof anyone could hear
In our hearts a hopeful song
We barely understood
Now we are not afraid

Although we know there’s much to fear
We were moving mountains
Long before we knew we could

There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
It’s hard to kill
Who knows what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe
Somehow you will,
You will when you believe

In this time of fear
When prayer so often proves in vain
Hope seemed like the summer birds
Too swiftly flown away
Yet now I’m standing here
My heart’s so full, I can’t explain
Seeking faith and speaking words
I never thought I’d say

They don't always happen when you ask
And it's easy to give in to your fears
But when you're blinded by your pain,
can't see your way save through the rain
thought of a still resilient voice, says love is very

There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
It’s hard to kill
Who knows what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe
Now you will,
You will when you believe

P/s: Naik kan semangat anda! yeeaahh
Pp/s: believe in Allah, believe in yourself, InshaAllah everything will be okay :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Sejak kebelakangan ni, selalu rasa macam diri ni rapuh je. cepat je putus asa, cepat je hilang semangat, cepat je hilang fokus, cepat je kecewa, hilang sabar, semua lah! Dear heart, please don't jump around as you like. ikut lah cakap otak pleasseeee.

eeerrggghhh seriously apa dah jd lah dengan aku nih :(

ptg td hujan lebat gila, duduk tepi tingkap termenung. kita busy sangat dgn hal dunia. hati kita tk tenteram mungkin sebab dia rindu kan penciptanya. kalau bagi tahu orang pun orang takkan faham. DIA je yang tahu.

Farah Aqilah!! tegak kan balik kepala kau, lurus kan balik fikiran kau!! tolong lah fikir rasional sikit :(

Ya Allah, kuat kan lah hati ku, iman ku, menghadapi ujian yang kau berikan ni TT_TT

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sorry ^^

Belum sampai 24 jam dah update lagi blog ni. kalau dulu hari2 update means adalah masalah, ni msti laaagggiii banyak masalah kan??
hehehe. tknk lah ckp masalah kang makin banyak dapat, pdn muka kaw.
em perut bunyi lapau. actually, the clock shows 3.48am so pandai2 teka camane leh connect internet kan =,=. i've slept tadi lepas maghrib sbb penat gila. tp tu pun kejap jaga, kejap tidur balik. and then, terkejut gila tgk jam dah pukul 1.30am!! so terruuuuuusss lah bangun. duduk depan laptop and there tadaaaa "iium-community internet access".but the little tiny problem is that, fb takleh bukak, twitter takleh bukak so that's why la Ms ceriterabahagia ni peneman. tenqiuuuuu muacks.

Takde benda nak tulis ni just a remainder nak tegas kan kat sini that, yes i'm a girl, but i'm not that weak, i'm not that fragile. ok? fuhh ada orang tu cakap "kau kan asek saket je" k fine, aku baru sembuh demam, batuk, and saket mata. so what? the last 2/3 weeks have been hard for me but I still made it didn't I? I'm not a person yang cepat saket tapi bila dah TERsaket nak buat cane kan. It's just happen that when I know you, I got sick. as simple as that. please don't judge me beyond that. I'm not a person yang suka makan ubat so no wonder lah kalau lambat baik but still, I made it didn't I?
setelah 2 kali ditegas kan, yes, saya sembuh dah. sihat walafiat batuk tak teruk macam dulu and I can sleep peacefully last night. thanks for the doa.
tolong jangan salah anggap, bukan marah, bukan bengang just rasa tak patut. to the person yang cakap tu, sorry ehh. it's just happen that way and maybe sebab saya selalu mengadu kat dia so that's why dia anggap i'm a girl who gets sick all the time and can never depend on her own self. and yep, you can only trust someone you know you CAN trust but now I dont know. maybe I shouldnt kan?

and pasal taching2 ni. I'm not a person yang cepat taching2 ni. seriously sorry kepada sesiapa yang pernah terasa sy taching dengan korang. ahh dulu MR selalu lah kena. and di tegas kan disini, that it happens because I care. I care so much that everything I take it to heart. and yep, at least when that happens, i know when to stop caring so much kan? so so so when I stop, don't be sad. I just don't want to be a burden to you. bak kata Ms A, "don't hope too much, don't love too much and don't care too much, because too much makes you hurt so much" yep, it's hurt taappiii i promise, this will be the last time. I'm fine before I know you, so I'll be fine this time too. di tuju kan utk MR jugak :)

anw, I'll start moving on with my life. it's my life yep, not yours so duduk diam2 at your life sana (hahah! apa yang kau cuba cakap seehh)

Dear heart, your job is to pump blood. please don't do anything else. ok? I beeeegggggg yooouuuuuu. hahah!

haaiihh malam2 buta bukan nak study, dok luah perasaan pulak. duduk kat meja ni buku EC tutup lama dah, layan lagu sedih dengan berbalut comforter hmm kalau ada popcorn ke kopi ke mesti best. hahah.

kbai >,<

P/s: miss my mum TT,TT
Pp/s: I'm nobody for nobody but it's still worth living. Alhamdulillah :)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Keluar jalaaannnnnn

Ohhoooiiii (kurang hajar nyaaa), ehee Assalamualaikum :)

sekarang ni kat edu, eceehh of course lah, asal ada internet je kat edu lah, mana lagi. haaih kdg2 tu pelik lah. kat cfs ok je. tak penah pun ada masalah dapat line tapi tk leh masuk cenggini. at least pun internet perlahan la kat sana. tapi niiiiiii.. tataw apa masalah. weirdd. is it?! hmph, never mind.
jangan dok kutuk2 UIA ni sebab semua yang keluar dr mulut kita adalah doa. sooo jom doa sama2 untuk UIA yang permai niii. teeheee.

ok tgk title, tgk entry, tgk title balik, tgk entry blk. haha. ok finee keluar jalan tu means "jalan ke edu" je laa eehh. jangan salah anggap. actually, ada je plan nak keluar. but then.....then..... then..... wuuuuuuuu T,T
dok bilik je laa. fulus takda, tenaga takda and plus! mggu depan quiz baaaanyaaaaakkkk gilaaa.. suppose kiteorg punya quiz ec ngn static mggu lps tapi terbatal, dan tertangguh, so semua semua di pack kan kepada miggu depan including quiz calculus. tataw kenapa takda confident langsung subjek calculus kat sini. i know sy penah dapat full mark math masa kt cfs dulu tapi tuuuuuu CFS!! laaaiiiinnnnnn. siiiniiiii laaaiinnnnn. kt cfs tak study pun quiz full mark, kat sini dah buat latihan hampir semua kat dalam buku pun sekadar 6/10. maaaaaaaakkkk tolong TT___________TT

pape ah merapu sorang2. jom jom. start study EC bersama.......bayang2. gahahaha. ok dok sini sorg2 so peneman bayang2 lah. kan ? kan? (tgk tu merapu lagi) so so so, until then. hee

P/s: Although it's hard, it was never impossible kannn :)