Saturday, March 31, 2012

Be strong, you still have HIM :)

Assalamualaikum :)

It's been painful. yep so painful since that incident. try kuat kan hati, kuat kan iman.
Org kata, "When no one else is around, remember you have ALLAH to turn too". it's true though. Cried to Him and He'll give you the nur and peace of mind and heart.

It's been rough for me. Laugh, doa is my cure. InshaAllah everything will be just the way they are. and sometimes i do hope that this is just a nightmare that i would wake up and find things would stay as they are. But astagfirullah, everything that happened do have meaning deep inside them. I sure hope someday, I'll understand everything.

yes, I will cry now and then, but by crying, it strengthen my heart and iman.

and since I'm a girl, I always tend to like someone soon after that to fill my heart. ans yes astaghfirullah, it wasnt a good decision and thing to do.
" Ya Allah, give me your mercy and strengthen my heart to find YOUR ONE and ONLY love".

One of my best friend here said,Ms A "We should never go against fitrah, that's our fitrah, liking different gender. it's better than liking someone your gender-liking in the meaning of lust-, but everything have it's limit. simply because to control our self and have our heart straight to Allah."

It's a good advice and I've made my promise, until I correct myself to be a better person, stop searching for someone better. I do not deserve anyone better unless, I'm a better person my self.

and she said, "Of course it's wrong to reject whoever came because we don't like them, we'll never know who our future husband will be until it's time"

my other friend said, Mr. KAY "stop judging someone like we are perfect, labeling someone is a disease of heart", Mr N, "cacat luaran tu dugaan, cacat dalaman tu penyakit"

My father said, "when it come, it will just come. Allah dah tulis semua, termasuk jodoh kita sebelum kita lahir lagi. focus on your study more important then other things"

Don't be afraid to live alone. there will be someone for you. if not, Allah is there isn't it :)

until then, have a nice weekend and a nice midterm week :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Midterm Coming soon!

23March -EC midterm, ED quiz
2April -ECONS midterm
4April -Static midterm
6April -ED midterm
8April -Calculus midterm
9April -ED midterm
12April -BM midterm

nahh amik kauu! copy paste from my DELLY's sticky note.
i know it's weird cz ada dua "ED midterm" kat situ. tapi tu yg lecturer kiteorg ckp T,T

so far, life's been.....ok laaaa. hahah. Alhamdulillah, roh dan jasad masih bersama. tu dah cukup untuk rasa bersyukur kan. wah wah wah..

hah, I got a friend, penah terfikir mcm ni
"haish korg ni, time susah sebuk cari aku. lps tu bkn kesah aku" sounds pathetic kn? pfft, mmg pun. ME, bukan diorg.
I was like talking to myself, "like seriously farah aqilah?! kenapa kau berkira sangat. kan pahalaa tuu. kitaaa tlg la slagi boleeehhh kaaannn"
fine, i was like punching my own self with my own fist and my own force and magnitude. mesti sbb dan demam midterm.. wuuuuuuu

tp like always, relax je. org ajak study, study, time takda mood, mmg tak bukak buku pun. time terlebih mood, sampai tak tdo mlm. hahah. btw, dari pukul 1 mlm smlm tk tdo lg pn except for 30min smntara tunggu pukul 3 this afternoon. haaiihh bila lah kau nak beruubaaahhh ooiiii..
ada budak kt klas ec tu. slalu duduk blakang dia,dia pandai siaaakk!! aduiii respect ah kt dia. org kate dia study spnjang masa,,waah waahh wahhh "bila kau nak jd mcm dia seh" (gila,ckp kt dri sendr)

ok ok cooopppp, ape motif tulis benda ni sbnarnya????!!! ok the main aim duduk dekat edu cafe yg permai (permai la sgt kan) cz nk download beberapa paper exam last year. yeelaaa blagak rajin la kan. lps ni nk balik tidur, entah tgk ke dok bnd2 nih.

therefore, this entry ends, until then >,<

P/s: "Ya Allah, kau permudahkanlah jalan aku dan rakan2 ku sepanjang pengajian kami di UIA yg permai ini , aminn"
Pp/s: shoot for the stars :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Laaaaaaaaaajuuuuuuuuu internet sini! sangat lah sangat.
Well actually datang sini dengan harapan nak study econs coz esok ada quiz. and BTW (which means, by the way) carries 3 credit hour okaaayyy!

tapi sbb mind and body malas so nanti2 lah yeekk.
This short entry mmg ditulis utk update empunya diri ni.
I'm already at GOMBAK, doing my degree year. 1st year 1st sem (duhh siapa yg tak tahu)

and life hv been a little pelik, tk biasa, homesick, negeri-sick and etc. mostly because, it's a new place, new environment and ada something yg TAK new? infact, hilang. hee. MR hilang dh :(
ah ah ah taknak sedih. Hahaha

And thats all lah. haih :)