Saturday, March 30, 2013

Avery long time no see ;)

Long time no see. Rasa dah lama gila tak update this blog.
If you look at the last post date then youll know how long ehhee

Well besides, this sudden entry wont be long either so yeah you're gonna miss me a whole lot more kn dear loggie?? ;)

This entry basically ditulis sbb nk update psl my new life. Nothing special pun -,-
Now currently a 2nd year engineering automotive student in IIUM. Great place here. Tak terfikir nk tinggal kn sini pun. Cuma kadang2 when things got out of control like when I cannot get into a class that I want, or when lect as me to do a presentation in english, or when keluar outing nk balik lambat tak boleh coz ada curfew, or when A MAD GIRLFRIEND CAME LOOKING FOR ME WITH A HELMET TO BEAT ME UP FOR THE WRONGS I NEVER DONE. Haha lepaskn marah nampk ._.
Oh well, its not her fault. The boyfriend's.

Hmm sini I join this one club/society ikut Miss B and I got pretty attracted to it. But the main problem is that, since bila tah, the club stop sending me messages yang bagitahu if they have program. Bukan nk cakap apa, tp when program tu berjalan, sibuk cakap tk cukup member sedangkan this member ygdh tertarik gila2 tak dpt info. Well actually bkn la tak dpt info sbb ramai jep kwn2 kt sana yg semua pn dapat text tu. Taknak la cam menggedik sibuk nk join sedangkan that club tak ajak kau pn camtu. But yeah it happen. Not just to me, to a whole lot other member as well. And kebanyakan diorg dah tawar hati sebab macam dianak tirikan. Yeah mistake do happen but sometimes it'll cause you more if it didnt fixed. Ish3.

Enough about that, hehe saja lepaskan kat sini. Nak study la sbb ths Wednesday I got 2 exam berturut maaaa aiihhh. This is all from me. Before we depart, only Allah knows when we'll meet again so here's a little something to keep you remember me :)

P/S: Thats not a real hair and I wear my tudung beneath the fake hair.
PP/S: Bulu mata and make up also fake.
PPP/S: I did this by cymera apps for android. Give it a try ;)